W4BAD Linked System
P25, DMR, YSF, Wires-X
System Updates
12/28/2023 - AllStarLink and Echolink has been added back into the Analog System. Allstar Node is 52523 and Echolink Node is 1908 or W4BAD-R. This will allow linking between the digital and analog systems on demand.
12/17/2023 - 147.360 is DMR and is connected to the BrandMeister network. TS 2 is set static to TG 310068 and TG 1 is set to static TG 310095.
11/21/2023 - Website has been move to a new hosting service. This will resolve any issues from the pervious service.
08/26/2023 - Raleigh P25 Link - The Raleigh repeater is now linked to P25 along with the Roxboro repeater.
08/13/2023 - System Changes P25 is now live! - Please check the repeater page as several machine have switched to P25. Talkgroup and NAC codes are posted there.
09/17/2022 - 147.360 Repeater - The 147.360 repeater in Durham is now on line and connected to the system. This repeater is in digital mode only now.
03/13/2022 - 145.370 Durham Repeater - The 145.370 repeater has moved to a new location. We are currently working on improvements at the new site.